castalla wrote: 
> You're much too complimentary!

It amused me that you would describe yourself as a noob. That's not how
I think of you.

castalla wrote: 
> I've got a usb flash stick plugged into my router - as you see it's
> mounted via cifs.  So:
> Do I need the 'fail' line, or not?  Are you saying it doesn't apply ro
> cifs mounts? If so, what params do I need?
> (Above sounds pretty noobish to me!)

Yes, you can add nofail as an option for a remotefs. (I don't normally,
but then my file servers are up 24/7, 365 days a year.)

  // /mnt/samba/ cifs nofail,username=guest,password=  
0 0

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