gregb wrote: 
> Some notes from recent CSOS update from R3 to R5:
> a. Downloaded CSOS-Wandboard-Dual-R5-20130514-1.img.7z from
> .

R5 wasn't an "official" image. Never announced, (or a direct link
posted), it was going to be the "placebo" test image for the still
missing Web-GUI fstab/mount/partition/format testing, that has been
delayed due to me not having a development machine for the last 2 weeks.
Not that I know of any issues with the R5 image, only that it received
very minimal testing. (I believe you and one other have installed it.)

gregb wrote: 
> 1. Library scan took longer on CSOS R5 than CSOS R3.

No reason I can think of why that should be the case.

gregb wrote: 
> 2. Logitech Media Server Log File access from LMS web page shows empty
> web page (/var/log/squeezeboxserver/server.log)
> 3. Scanner Log File access from LMS web page shows empty web page
> (/var/log/squeezeboxserver/scanner.log)

Have you checked to see if there is anything contained in the files?
(ie. via the file system rather than via LMS.)

gregb wrote: 
> 4. CSOS R5 seems slower than R3 (I'm using SB classics) - are others
> seeing this?)

Again, know of no reason why that should be the case.

gregb wrote: 
> Q1: Realizing CSOS is still beta, what is the CSOS stable release plan?

>From my point of view, we are already out of BETA and have a stable
release with R3. There are a couple of missing bits of Web-GUI
functionality pending.

gregb wrote: 
> Q2: How does this combination of Linux and LMS minimize flash file
> system write access to prolong flash card life? I'm interested to deploy
> a CSOS / Wandboard configuration for a five year minimum life.

At the moment, very little consideration has been given to that. Aside
from logging, (which could be minimised), and LMS writes to
/var/lib/squeezeboxserver, there isn't a lot of I/O. I wouldn't expect
there to be issues with failing memory cards. (Assuming they are the
cheapest "junk" you can find. I have cards that have been heavily used
and abused in cameras, before being pressed into service in embedded
devices. The only failure I have seen is from a no-brand card.) Having
said that, it was part of the plan, (and admittedly bottom of the list),
to have a read-only, (with write via a unionfs over-mount), cut-down
image at some point in the future. But it's not something I have been
working on, nor intend to work on until after we have added the JS
hardware into the mix.

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