Triode wrote: 
> Does the issue occur when switching from dsd to pcm or only when doing
> this wwith upsampling on?
> The dop support in the new version of squeezelite is intended to
> continue to output dop marker frames with silence when a track ends
> until the new track starts which is not dop.  This is different from
> previous squeezelite which would have placed pcm silence between dop
> tracks.  Upsampling is also only intended to be invoked for pcm - so
> when transitioning from dsp/dop to pcm the dac should receive dop marker
> frames until the new track starts and then it will suddenly get the pcm
> for the new track.  I wonder if we need to put some pcm silence in at
> this point.
> Clive - what happens in your case?

Hi Triode,

Doing some more testing...

First without Upsampling:  
-Left radio stream playing through the night again - all fine this
-Play a few 44.1k flacs and these all played fine.  
-Play a 192k flac, again fine.  
-Play a dsf file - playes fine, DAC indicates DSD as expected.
-Back to 192k file - plays OK, DAC indicates PCM.  Hit 'pause' and
playback stops as expected, but DAC indicates DSD (?). Hit 'pause' and
playback resumes correctly, PCM indicated. (This is repeatable)
-Back to dsf file - plays fine. DAC indicates DSD even after 'Pause'
-Play a 96k file - plays OK, DAC indicates PCM.  Hit 'pause'.  Ouch!
LOUD click followed by constant high pitch ringing noise. DAC indicates
PCM.  Hit 'pause' playback resumes fine. (Again repeatable).
-Play 192k file - loud click at start.  PCM indicated.  'Pause' silent,
but DSD indicated. Resumes fine.
-Back to 96k - no click at start but 'pause' again causes loud click and
ringing (PCM still indicated).  Leave to play. After a couple of minutes
playback stops for no apparant reason accompanied by loud click and high
pitch ring.  Hit 'play' button and playback starts from begining again
only to stop as before with click and ringing after maybe thirty
-Play 44.1k file.  Same as 96k except plays for longer before corrupting
with loud click and constant high pitch ring. 

-Restart squeezelite service - loud click from DAC and ring stops.

-Play 44.1k file.  Plays fine but 'pause' doesn't do anything, neither
FLIRC/Remote or web gui. 
-Cue new 44.1k track.  Plays fine and 'pause' works as normal.
-Repeat all the above steps.  Issues are the same.... 

-Enable Upsampling (parameter X only, max sample rate is 384k) and
restart squeezelite.
-Play 44.1k file.  DAC struggles to lock.  Just get short bursts of
noise (fortunately not loud).

-Set max sample rate to 192k.
-44.1k file plays fine.
-Repeat the above steps again.  Situation is the same, except all PCM
files behave like the original 192k (since upsampling is now enable to
192k).  Still have problems of tracks sometime stopping for no apparant
reason (?)

Next task is to reboot the Wanboard and repeat again.  For one thing I
need to figure out why it won't play 384k nicely when it did
Will report back when I've had a chance to do this (may not be today).

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