hi, for ages now I've been running 3 instances of squeezelite on debian
VMs under VMware Workstation - all using Adrian's great Spotify plugin.
It has been working perfectly. When I added a droid client (in the form
of the excellent SqueezePlayer) I was constantly having issues with the
SqueezePlayer client always starting first and could never get to the
bottom of it.
I've just been trying to understand why and came across this;

it appears that VMware is by default creating an additional buffer of
200ms (when the host is windows7 - my case) when it mixes the audio from
the virtual audio device to the physical one.
I've made the following changes to the vmx files on each of the
squeezelite VMs;
sound.autoDetect = "FALSE"
sound.virtualDev = "es1371"
pciSound.playBuffer = "30"

and now the sync is very close even at the start of each Spotify song.
Anything less than a 30ms buffer on the VMware side seems to cause
Are there any changes that could be made to the design of
squeezelite/SqueezePlayer/LMS to allow for this type of additional
buffer or is there a change I can make to the squeezelite configuration
to take this into account but still preserve sync even at the start of
each track?


ashleyw's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=58923
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=97046

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