Lintweaker, loose ends on your mytekusb2 driver.... Sent you a pull
request for a Makefile patch after forking your git. No worries if you
don't want to pull it, I'll carry it as a patch, but should be
transparent for your builds and users on other distros, while at the
same time allowing me to pass in the BUILD variables from my akmods

Which BTW, if you have a F20 install either i386 or x86_64, install the
CS repo and rpmfusion repo packages as documented on the website repo
page and ....

  sudo yum install akmod-mytekusb2

I'm not going to provide the pre-compiled kernel specific modules, just
the akmod package, which will result in the module being built for the
currently in-use kernel on initial install, and for any new kernels that
are installed, at the time of install. 

The akmod-mytekusb2 package has a dependency on "kmod-mytekusb2-common"
which is provided by the mytekusb2-firmware package, so that should be
pulled-in as a dep on install of the akmod package. 

The module loads, that's as far as I can go in terms of testing. If you
could test with F20 i386 or x86_64 pending the arrival of the F20 ARM
image. No problem if that is too much hassle. (NB. There is a dmesg
warning when loading the module, about the lack of a signature. Think
all the Fedora kernel mods are signed now. Don't believe it should cause
an issue other than the warning.)

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