JackOfAll wrote: 
> F20 arm repo is now 100% in sync, with package versions in F19 arm repo,
> with the push of the latest lms-CPAN package to testing. The only thing
> missing is the "custom" kernel.
> > 
  >   > 
  > sudo systemctl disable firewalld.service
  > sudo yum -y install 
  > sudo yum -y install 
  > sudo yum -y install 
  > sudo csos-cleanInstall-testing logitechmediaserver squeezelite jivelite
> > 
> Anyone non-technical, should be waiting, for the "official" image,
> rather than going with the "upstream" F20 minimal image plus the repo
> software, but feel free to suffer the same way as I have until you
> figure out where all the bodies are buried, and there are a few,
> "issues" that will have already been dealt with for you by the
> "official" CSOS image. But if you can live with a USB DAC and
> ethernet, have fun!
> I think you'll need to have a serial console to go through the initial
> setup, first time you boot the image, create a non-priv user, add to
> the wheel group, (so you can sudo). I don't know how you'll do that
> without serial console.

Actually, I started with a minimal F20 image per the instructions here:
also using the workable, but non-recommeded instructions to get SSH
running for a first login without a serial cable, here:

I actually did a general yum update before adding the rpmfusion repos
and the CSOS repos, so I am therefore running Linux kernel
3.12.6-300.fc20.armv7hl.  This allowed me to test whether I need the
double alsa_open() workaround that Triode provided under the stock
Fedora 3.12.6 Linux kernel. In fact, I don't, which I consider good

I don't have any issues except that some network scripts used by the
CSOS web-gui are not present on my system
(/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0 and
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0), which trips up the
corresponding pages on the CSOS web-gui version 1-64.

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