JackOfAll wrote: 
> No need. The only changes between R3 and R4, was the removal of the
> jivelite users prefs dir. There is something else going on here.
> Don't take this the wrong way, but that is very low priority compared to
> getting to the bottom of what is going on with these updates "hanging"
> the board, especially if it is not just affecting R2, but R3/R4 as well.
> EDIT: Having said that, post the contents of your
> /etc/sysconfig/squeezelite file.

No worries. If there are higher priorities I'll just reload my image and
go from there. I appreciate that F20 is on the way so this isn't really

I stopped autologin.tty1.service, removed .jivelite, downgraded,
upgraded, started service and all seems OK now. Thanks.

I have no issues with audio dropouts from the SGH5000 output while
running Squeezelite synced with my UE Radio and navigating the Jivelite

The only issue I have now is that some of the icons on the menu are not
displaying. All sub images from the App Gallery menu. Flickr, Youtube
icons from My Apps. This is consistent across all skins. Also album art
is not displaying on the Now Playing screen. Persists after a reboot.
Any suggestions?

(Just like to thank all involved in this project, it's fantastic.)

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