sideways2 wrote: 
> Excellent...thanks!!
> So tell me...can only one device be mounted at one time?? I put in a usb
> stick with a few cd's on it...came up fine...mounted it fine...then I go
> to mount my network drive and the usb stick was removed...just
> wondering...thanks!!
> Another thing I noticed too...when I put in the usb stick...pointed
> squeeze server to scan it...which worked fine...I was not able to choose
> that player in my Squeeze Commander droid app...SqueezeliteWAND is my
> default..."wandboard" being the secondary with the usb stick...I'm
> assuming I should be able too just like when my Touch was connected and
> I could go between it and the WB...

You can mount several drives but you need to be careful with the
mounting point. Ideally you would create different directories for
different sources. 
So, your *fstab* entry looks something like (fstab is locate in the /etc

//<ip-address or uuid>/Music *mounting point* cifs nofail,rw, 0 0

The second entry is where the drive will be mounted. Create a different
one for each source, ex: /storage/drive1 and /storage/drive2 and so on.
You create directories with *mkdir*

1 x SB3, 1 x SB Boom, 1 x SB Radio and 2 x SB Touch - all wireless
1 x Wandboard Dual behind the bedroom ceiling
1 x Wandboard Dual for 'msqueeze' (
ReadyNAS NVX running LMS 7.7.3. w iTunes plugin
iPeng 7 on iPhone.
SqueezePad & iPeng 7 on iPad.
Pascal Hibon's Profile:
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