Guys, I need a little more help, please. You don't need to write code,
just need to test! ;)

A while back I posted about a new F19 testing image. I rather hoped
people would test it. I don't know whether people did or didn't, but I
didn't get any feedback about "issues", so it's the image I have been
giving out to people asking for links to images.

Then I spend 4 hours yesterday, working with a new user, with "wireless"
issues. (Not his fault that he is a "noobie", but this would have got
sorted out much quicker if he was one of the "experienced" users.) Seems
nobody noticed, (and I hold my hands up here too), that having promoted
the squeeze-web-gui LUA version to be the default web-gui, that it was
expecting "ONBOOT=true", rather then "ONBOOT=yes" (which is what is
actually in the ifcfg-wlan0 config file), with the result that him
entering wireless credentials and saving, was writing "ONBOOT=false"
back to the ifcfg-wlan0, resulting in the wireless interface not being
brought up.

Anyway, not Triode's fault. My fault for not realising this myself.....

I will be making a new F19-R7 image this morning. Pretty please, when I
post a link to it, can a couple of you "experienced" guys with a spare
SDCARD download these images, and start from scratch, as a new user
would, configure wireless, configure LMS, and please report back any

I want to move forward with F20. Which we are never going to do until we
have a tested/working final F19 image that people can be pointed back to
if they have any issues with F20. This is not a threat, but I'm not
going to be moving forward with F20 and the mainline kernel, while
fire-fighting F19 at the same time. Until we have a final F19 image with
several people telling me it's virtually bullet-proof.....

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