'CSOS F20 BETA1 Cubieboard Image for Brian'

I don't know how long this is going to take to finish uploading, I'm
still without my main internet connection. Don't start downloading the
image until the size is 760873458! (I'm not going to be around for the
rest of the day, so I've kicked off the upload and hopefully it'll be
done in a couple of hours.)

User fedora, Pass fedora. (Also root/fedora, but you can sudo from
fedora user without password, so no real need for root login.)
Fedora user VNC X session is on :1, so port 5901. ie.
'cubietruck.local:5901'. vncpass is fedora.
web-gui on 'http://cubietruck.local/'
If you want to bind IP to MAC. Edit
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0. See where 'MACADDR='
commented out. Uncomment it and set whatever MAC you want. (Might be
best to ifconfig and get whatever MAC has been set for eth0 on first
boot, use that and make it "sticky" on your router.)
squeezelite is enabled/started but needs re-configuring, so it's not
using the null audio device.
squeezeboxserver. You'll need to enable and start it from the web-gui.
I've put my old BT simple-agent script in /home/fedora/bin. Don't even
know if this works with Bluez5. Haven't even tried. ;) Have fun!
PS. Sorry, about the "cubietruck" hostname, but this is primarily a
"cubietruck" image. Feel free to edit /etc/hostname and change.

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