I have 4 picoreplayers up and running, 3 using the onboard RPI audio,
and 1 using a Schiit Modi USB DAC

the 3 using the onboard audio have been flawless for about a week now,
no lockups of any kind, sound quality is not great though, there is an
audible hiss when sound is turned very low or when the music is paused,
when the squeezelite player is powered off via the logitech media center
web interface the hiss goes away.

With the Schiit Modi USB DAC the sound is noticeably nicer, no hissing
at all on low volumes or when paused, and also the sound output is much
louder compared to the picoreplayers that use the onboard RPI audio, the
AMP connected to the USB DAC is turned up to only about half the volume
level of the other AMPs to get the same level of music loudness.

However the Schiit Modi USB DAC is more unstable.  If the squeezelite
player is left powered on and paused for a long period (multiple hours
or more) when you unpause it the audio output gets all screwed up.... it
repeats the same 1/2 second over and over, then advances a few seconds
in the track, then repeats the same 1/2 second over and over, etc...  so
it sounds like Na Na Na Na Na Na Na .. Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha Cha .. Ba Ba
Ba Ba Ba Ba Ba .. etc

The only way to get it working again without restarting squeezelite or
rebooting the RPI is to power off the squeezelite player via the
logitech media center web interface and wait about 5-10 seconds, and
then power it back on play something.

I think I would buy USB DACs for the other 3 picoreplayers as the audio
quality improvement is quite dramatic, but stability is my top priority.
I plan on using the alarm clock functionality for my bedroom zone so I
can't have audio lockups like that.  

Maybe there is another USB DAC that provides better stability with
picoreplayer?  From what I read using the hifiberry seems like the way
to go, but I have no soldering experience and there doesn't seem to be a
nice case for sale that can hold the RPI + hifiberry combo.  I am
looking more for something that is ready to use out of the box so USB
DAC seems more like the way to go.

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