mherger wrote: 
> It could be the VACUUM step at the end of a scan. Depending on your 
> library size and I/O performance this can take a while, during which the
> web UI is non-responsive. It should only be run if no player is active.
> You might not have seen it if the step was skipped due to some player 
> playing music in the background.

Michael, too busy with other stuff to inestigate further. That's why I
said it was a "potential" issue. Just a heads-up to the potential users
here that there might be some undesired behaviour from the new build.

I think the library on that machine is 46k tracks. Two players were
connected. Neither playing music at the time I initiated the scan. As
well as the non-responsive web gui, I noticed from the Transporter
display, went from idle to "can't connect to server", while scanning. I
don't know how long the scan took. But this morning the Transporter was
back, re-connected to server, so it sorted itself out after the scan

I'll take another look at this over the weekend.

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