Triode wrote: 
> I have updated the soa aur packages so they should work on the 'arm'
> architecture now as well.

Thanks for that. 
Since two days I test  SoA on a  thin kirkwood (armv5tel) machine.
Gigabit Ethernet works just fine on my device. Only  wlan setup require
some manual intervention.. 
During installation Arch Linux assigned ‘strange’ name for the wlan
interface -'wlp0s1'. So I had to rename it to wlan0. 'See here'

Afrer rebooting I installed wpa_actiond,  generated   wpa_supplicant
config data (by using wpa_passphrase command) and run DHCP for Wlan0.
After that wlan interface can by controlled easily by SoA GUi
I also updated kernel to newest armv5 linux-kirkwood 3.15.2-1.

Regarding the sound… is little disappointed. I have had only cheapest
USB DAC in hand -PCM2704- to test. 
The strange noise appears during listening. There is no such noise when
I plug this dac to windows machine) So I assume that the cause is my
small arm device. What can by a source of this crackle: poor Supply
(PSU), embedded usb hub or something else? What should I do (besides PSU
and DAC  replacement) to improve the sound?

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