Triode wrote: 
> If you enable -d output=debug do you see anything in the log?  What does
> it say when it opens the device.  What happens when you power off and on
> the player from the lms web interface?

#runs for some time

[07:22:17.746821] output_init_alsa:638 init output
[07:22:17.747360] output_init_alsa:661 requested alsa_buffer: 40
alsa_period: 4 format: any mmap: 0
[07:22:17.747485] output_init_common:342 outputbuf size: 3528000
[07:22:17.755441] output_init_common:402 supported rates: 192000 176400
96000 88200 48000 44100 32000 
[07:22:17.771547] output_init_alsa:673 memory locked
[07:22:17.772492] output_thread:465 open output device:
[07:22:17.772527] output_init_alsa:696 set output sched fifo rt: 45
[07:22:17.773692] alsa_open:234 opened device hw:CARD=imxhdmisoc using
format: S16_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 0
[07:22:17.773853] alsa_open:313 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size:
12288 period size: 1536
[07:22:18.017657] _output_frames:59 start buffer frames: 102400
[07:22:18.017874] _output_frames:144 track start sample rate: 44100
replay_gain: 0
[07:22:59.935837] output_flush:415 flush output buffer
[07:23:00.058063] output_flush:415 flush output buffer
[07:23:00.301425] _output_frames:59 start buffer frames: 102400
[07:23:00.301666] _output_frames:144 track start sample rate: 44100
replay_gain: 0
[07:25:56.986401] output_flush:415 flush output buffer
[07:25:57.107039] output_flush:415 flush output buffer
[07:25:57.308131] _output_frames:59 start buffer frames: 28672
[07:25:57.308347] _output_frames:144 track start sample rate: 44100
replay_gain: 0
[07:28:40.134940] output_flush:415 flush output buffer
[07:28:40.255320] output_flush:415 flush output buffer
[07:29:04.937062] output_close_alsa:701 close output

# HDMI spiltter stops to work,  try to restart squeezelite which fails.

/usr/bin/squeezelite -d output=debug -n michael -o hw:CARD=imxhdmisoc -a
:::0 -f /var/log/squeezelite.log  -s 
[07:29:05.598350] output_init_alsa:638 init output
[07:29:05.598866] output_init_alsa:661 requested alsa_buffer: 40
alsa_period: 4 format: any mmap: 0
[07:29:05.598987] output_init_common:342 outputbuf size: 3528000
[07:29:05.618285] ALSA snd_pcm_hw_open:1557 open '/dev/snd/pcmC2D0p'
failed (-22)
[07:29:05.618509] test_open:124 playback open error: Invalid argument
[07:29:05.618715] output_init_common:373 unable to open output device

/Thanks Michael

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