I apologise for my cluelessness. I have decided to enter into the world
of linux and thought I would have a go running lms under debian wheezy
with arch desktop on an old intel desktop 64 bit. 

I have managed to install LMS which appears to be running fine and
appears in the browser. That said I do not have a player on the network
where the debian machine is set up, and therefore can't actually play
anything without squeezelite.
i have installed the local player plugin which tells me that squeezelite
is not running. I initially tried under 7.7.3 then installed 7.90 where
it still doesn't work.  I tried installing squeezelite manually via
arch, but the G debi intaller refused to install the only version I
could find (I think this may have been because it called itself i386. I
tried lots of different versions and couldn't get anythig to install.

I tried followig the instructions here

including udo wget
which appeared to do s-omething -. (whereas g debi installer refused to
install that download. 

I tried to follow the instructions but couldn't work out how to  put the
startup script in etc/init.d/squeezelite (Arch would allow me to create
the relevant file at least i could not work out how to get the relevant

In short I am stumped. I have ticked the logging function in the local
player settings, and have tried to set the option under the logging
settings for local player to debug, but it doesn't seem to stick. all i
get from the localplayer log is 

Starting Squeezelite:
-f /var/log/squeezeboxserver/localplayer.log

Starting Squeezelite:
-f /var/log/squeezeboxserver/localplayer.log

Starting Squeezelite:
-f /var/log/squeezeboxserver/localplayer.log

Starting Squeezelite:
-f /var/log/squeezeboxserver/localplayer.log

Can anyone help me to get squeezelite running. Apologies if I just seem

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