Hi Triode;
does Squeezelite play Windows Media (WMA) natively? I thought it did,
but I get no sound when trying.
Background: I am running an openpeak joggler as a squeezebox - using
'SqueezePlay OS' (from roobarb: birdslikewires.co.uk) which is a small
Ubuntu Trusty OS for running Squeezeplay.
Everything works great, but I miss native support of WMA files (for
listening to NPR via NPR Radio plugin).
Therefor I installed your Squeezelite. Everything works great, but when
choosing a NPR WMA file, it's just quiet - no error showing up, but no
sound and no progress bar.
(If I force WMA conversion to i.e. mp3 in LMS settings, it works)
Any ideas? (Also hints for trouble shooting?)
I installed it just via apt-get install squeezelite and editing the
defaults file /etc/default/squeezelite with new SL_NAME and adding a
unique mac adress SB_EXTRA_ARGS="-m 00:xx:xx:xx:xxx:xx"
(Is that the way it is supposed to be installed?) 
Again - everything works great as far as I can see - except WMA....

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Heiner

My system:
LMS 7.8 on modded Open Peak Joggler running Roobarbs SqueezePlay OS.
1 x Slimp3
5 x Squeezebox Classic
1 x Controller
2 x Squeeze Commander (on 2 rooted Nook Touch e-reader)
X x Squeezeplay on various PC's & Laptops
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