It is normal that the IP changes during the installation process.
On many boards random MAC addresses are assigned after each reboot. 
And during the installation phase the MAC will be configured first time
by SOA.

As far as I understand routers usually try to assign the same IP to the
same MAC, 
if the client DHCP process asks for an IP. If the MAC for a client
changes all the time, 
you'll usually get a different IP.

If you reserve an IP for a certain device on your router, it'll only
if the MAC stays the same all the time.

The router obviously gets pretty confused by running into a MAC chaos.

Each board/fimware/OS/image handles the process of fixing a MAC
if the MAC is not hardcoded on your ethernet card.

Another problem is, if you run different images on your board, you'll
also get 
different MACs all the time. This generates more chaos. 
You'd basically have to allign the MACs manually between your OSes.
Oherwise you'd have to change all your bookmarks, snippets ( I use
shutdown,reboot,login snippets/makros/thumbnails for all my squeeze
clients under Android)

My Debian installation assigns a random MAC when running the firstboot


  NEWMAC=00:01:43:`openssl rand -hex 3 | sed 's/\(..\)/\1:/g; s/.$//'`
  sed -e 's/ether/ether '$NEWMAC'/g' -i /etc/network/interfaces

SOA configures a fake (non-random) MAC "00:11:22:33:44:55" located in
That's not good. All SOA devices will have the same address. 
>From a handling and security perspective this is IMO all but OK.


Could you please generate a "random" MAC when running
You could also offer a field for manually entering/import a MAC. 
This way I (we) can easily copy e.g. a Debian MAC into SOA. 
This could obviously also be done manually later on.

Solution for SOA e.g:


  NEWMAC=00:01:44:`openssl rand -hex 3 | sed 's/\(..\)/\1:/g; s/.$//'`
  sed -i "s/mac_str=\".*\"/mac_str=\"$NEWMAC\"/g" /etc/modprobe.d/gmac.conf


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