i'd really prefer that updating use the standard repo-based mechanisms,

Everybody would. What LMS version are you running?

rather than a home-grown solution.  is it simply a question of manpower
that LMS isn't in the distro repos?  or is there some other corporate
policy or licensing issue that i'm unaware of?

It's manpower: we can't rely on package manager to resolve dependencies, as we're kind of stuck with certain well defined module versions (there's another specific thread about this topic somewhere in these forums). Therefore we used to provide our own repository. Unfortunately I never took the time to fully understand how this was supposed to work. With the result that afaict there was no consensus as to which build should be in which repos (stable, unstable, ...what was the third again?). And even worse result: lots of reports of problems due to file size mismatches and/or checksums.

It's been in a half-broken state for years. Has 7.9 ever been part of one of the repositories? I don't think so.

I've always been a supporter of "let the OS' package manager deal with it". Hence no update checker in LMS on Linux so far. But we've come to a point where we have to admit that it didn't reliably work for too many people.


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