
I installed piCorePlayer on RPI2 and a HifiBerry Digi+ Card. Then I
installed LMS 7.9 on piCorePlayer. 

Everything is working fine except dff/dsf replay.

My DAC is non DSD capable nor DoP, but I saw dsf can be converted on the
fly and decoded by alsa but I can't get it to run.

I tried several squeezelite settings like "-e dsd" , installed dsdplayer
plugin (but there are no dsdplay bin and libsox for arm).

Can't find the sources of this plugin by the way, but for what I
understood it seems of no use this days... 

Does Anyone got it to run and can share ?

Thanks !

On Advanced Settings / Files Type 
DFF/DSF I can only choose Native/Disabled
FLAC is greyed

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