Greg Erskine wrote: 
> Hi Hip-Priest.
> It worked for me. I got a shock when an extra player tab appeared, as I
> forgot that I actually cut and pasted the commands on one of my
> piCorePlayers.
> Is "User command" still visible on [Tweaks] page?
> Please post the string.
> Are you not getting the extra player tab at the top of the web
> interface?
> regards
> Greg

No - just tried again - nothing there.

What I did was:

Open pCP web interface
Changed the default Mac address to a non-default one.
Copied the Squeezelite command string

    /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/squeezelite-armv6hf -n "piCorePlayer" -o 
front:CARD=PMA50,DEV=0 -a 80:4::: -m b8:27:eb:e6:69:0e -D -D -V PCM &

Pasted it into 'User command #1' on the 'Tweaks' tab.
Rebooted pCP

I also tried the above, but changed the string I copied by altering the
"piCorePlayer" name to "piCorePlayer2", and changing the Mac address to
a slightly different one.

Nada :confused:

Did I miss something?

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