renaud wrote: 
> Hello,
> I've seen in the PiCorePlayer few VUmeter. I've found some files 
> vu_analog_25seq_b.png
> vu_analog_25seq_w.png
> I would like to paint new Vumeters, how can I use them for me (where in
> PicorePlayer do I have to put the new files) or propose them to the
> PicorePlayer users (if it is possible) ?
> Renaud


The file you need is vu_analog_25seq_w.png as this filename is hardcoded
in the skin source code.

I would advise you to install SqueezePlay as this makes it much easier
to test things and check your progress. In Windows (on my computer) the
Joggler skin vu_analog_25seq_w.png image is located in C:\Program Files

To create a new VU meter you need a sequence of 25 images, each image
having a width of 400 pixels and a height of 453 pixels (again these
dimensions are for the Joggler skin). Finally you need to combine all 25
images into a single large image with a total width of 10000 pixels. I
designed all my Oval VU meter images at twice the size and scaled
everything down when finished.

You can check your VU meter in piCorePlayer by copying the
vu_analog_25seq_w.png file to
(you need to create this directory as it does not exist) and save the
settings to SD card to survive a reboot.

If you want to incorporate the VU meter in piCorePlayer it's best to
contact Steen/Greg/Paul/Ralphy.


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