You can install any applet in /home/tc/.jivelite/userpath/applets on pcp
and it overrides what's installed in the image.

Thanks! I knew there was an easier path than my symlinking as su etc.

If you want the installed applets to survive a reboot, backup the pcp
configuration with pcp bu or the web gui first.

Heh... it's complaining about the backup size. But I'm working on stripping down the applet's size.

One other note.  The pcp jivelite version is using lua 5.1.1 not luajit.

Ok, didn't know.

I commit the pull request over the weekend...perhaps there'll be another
one by then :D

Not sure :-). The cleanup is a mess. There are so many image files, many of which are not needed. But trying to figure this one out is time consuming.


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