(Summarized from posts in 'the pCP 3.10 announce/support thread.'

A seemingly operational pCP player can be obtained via 'net booting, a
Pi 3 feature only'
-  Take a linux server with disk space, install a tftp server to
  support Pi 3 net booting. I chose dnsmasq, the conf for the tftp
  server is extremely simple. "server=" is the DNS/DHCP server
  on that network. There is no interference between the 2 machines:  
    pxe-service=0,"Raspberry Pi Boot"
  The tftp tree structure is like this. 12345abc and abcde123 represent
  the serial number of 2 different Pi 3s. bootcode.bin has to be placed
  directly under the tftp root:  
    ├── 12345abc
    │   ├── bcm2708-rpi-0-w.dtb
    │   └── start_x.elf
    ├── abcde123
    │   └── Pls_bind_to_nfs_exported_boot_directory
    └── bootcode.bin
  The contents of the "12345abc" directory is the same as the first
  partition on a pCP image, with a custom cmdline.txt.
-  On that server, setup exports to provide the player with its data
  partition(s). The main export is the home of pCP, copied from the
  second partition of a pCP image. There is need for a secondary export,
  since pCP offers changing boot parameters and loading hardware
  firmware ("overlays") from the GUI. There has to be an automatic link
  between that export and the directory served by tftp in order for  pCP
  to be able to reboot into new settings.
  As of now I am using a single NFS export on the server.   
     Here is the tree:  
    ├── 12345abc
    │   ├── BOOT
    │   │   ├── bcm2708-rpi-0-w.dtb
    │   │   └── start_x.elf
    │   └── TCE
    │       └── tce
    │           ├── mydata.tgz
    ├── abcde123
  To link the /tftp directory with the updatable (exported) BOOT
  directory, I've chosen to setup a bind mount (e.g. "mount -o bind
  /export/12345abc/BOOT/ /tftp/12345abc"). The pCP machine reboots in
  new settings like on the regular SD-based version.
- On the pCP instance, setup a custom /opt/bootlocal.sh script and
  save it ("pcp bu"):  
    # put other system startup commands here
    GREEN="$(echo -e '\033[1;32m')"
    echo "${GREEN}Running bootlocal.sh..."
    /home/tc/www/cgi-bin/do_rebootstuff.sh 2>&1 | tee -a /var/log/pcp_boot.log
    # NFS mounting. See http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=19913.0
    for i in `cat /proc/cmdline`; do            
    case $i in                      
    # Allows to update pCP boot config over NFS
    SERVER=$(echo $NFSBOOT | awk -F: '{ print $1 }')
    DIR=$(echo $NFSBOOT | awk -F: '{ print $2 }')
    OPTS=$(echo $NFSBOOT | awk -F: '{ print $3 }' | tr ',' ' ')
    OPTS=$(echo defaults noauto nolock addr=${SERVER} ${OPTS} | tr ' ' ',')
    echo "Creating directory ${BOOTMNT}"
    sudo mkdir ${BOOTMNT} >/dev/null 2>&1
    # pCP checks in fstab for device /dev/mmcblk itself so mounts fail...
    # echo "Creating /etc/fstab entry for ${BOOTMNT} over NFS"
    # ME="$0"
    # sudo sh -c "cat << EOF >> /etc/fstab
    ## Added by $ME
    #${SERVER}:${DIR} ${BOOTMNT} nfs ${OPTS} 0 0
    # ... so instead we mount permanently as pCP won't mount/unmount
    # if mounted already.
    echo "Mounting ${SERVER}:${DIR} to ${BOOTMNT}"
    sudo mount -t nfs -o ${OPTS} ${SERVER}:${DIR} ${BOOTMNT}
    # Keep pCP happy with a normal-looking SD mount
    echo "Creating directory ${TCEMNT}"
    sudo mkdir ${TCEMNT} >/dev/null 2>&1
    echo "Adding bind mount for ${TCEMNT}"
    sudo mount -o bind ${NFSMOUNT} ${TCEMNT} >/dev/null 2>&1
  This codes stays inactive until cmdline.txt includes the relevant boot
- Edit cmdline.txt to set the parameters, e.g.:  
  - nfsmount is a true TCLinux bootcode, this is processed in
    /etc/init.d/tc-config. This export gets mounted under /mnt/nfs. It
    should support the form <server>:<export>:<mount options> but the
    script only looks for some special options (noping?) and doesn't
    apply generic ones, like udp. The bootlocal.sh script adds a bind
    mount from /mnt/nfs to /mnt/mmcblk0p2, to (marginally) improve
    system reporting on the pCP GUI.
  - nfsboot is implemented in bootlocal.sh, in the same fashion as
    tc-config except it processes mount options. This export contains
    the boot partition for configuration changes, and gets mounted to
    /mnt/mmcblk0p1 to let pCP work (almost) normally.    
- Boot the Pi player without an SD, and after a little while, the
  server shows:  
        Apr  3 23:30:23 luns dnsmasq-dhcp[425]: 653460281 available DHCP 
    Apr  3 23:30:23 luns dnsmasq-dhcp[425]: 653460281 vendor class: 
    Apr  3 23:30:23 luns dnsmasq-dhcp[425]: 653460281 PXE(eth0) 
b8:27:eb:01:02:03 proxy
    Apr  3 23:30:23 luns dnsmasq-dhcp[425]: 653460281 tags: eth0
    Apr  3 23:30:24 luns dnsmasq-tftp[425]: sent /tftp/bootcode.bin to
    Apr  3 23:30:25 luns dnsmasq-tftp[425]: sent /tftp/12345abc/config.txt to
    Apr  3 23:30:28 luns dnsmasq-tftp[425]: sent /tftp/12345abc/cmdline.txt to
    Apr  3 23:30:48 luns rpc.mountd[502]: authenticated mount request from for /export/12345abc/TCE (/export)
    Apr  3 23:30:56 luns rpc.mountd[502]: authenticated mount request from for /export/12345abc/BOOT (/export)
For what I've seen, pCP works normally. Some features like wifi setup,
available space or partition resizing either don't make much sense
anymore or quit. The routines that mount/dismount the boot partition
around system updates are disabled due to the permanent NFS mount of
/mnt/mmcblk0p1; They can't manage using an /etc/fstab entry for the NFS
share (they look for /dev/mmcblk0 it seems).
In my use case, considering there is a good chance I will ultimately
disable the web GUI on players, I feel like this solution works already.
I will check it with the latest release, as I had to stuff pCP 3.10 with
new firmwares taken from a Raspbian install to obtain the initial net
boot attempt.

Given the tftp/nfs couple is relatively simple and lightweight, I have a
feeling these could be installed on a "mothership" pPC instance. The
server could be used to receive the contents of a running pCP player's
SD, allowing it to net boot on the newt reboot. Possibly, it could react
to hits from unknown serial numbers and copy a netboot-ready instance of
pCP in a new directory to allow a factory-fresh(*) Pi3 to boot as a pCP
player. I will probably not use such things personally for now; in my
case the server will be a Raspbian machine.
(*) AFAIK for now you need to boot once from an SD a factory-fresh Pi 3
into a config.txt that includes "program_usb_boot_mode=1". Perhaps
future batches of Pi 3 will have this flag set from factory.

If using an iSCSI LUN, moving from the network to an SD might be even
simpler, as the LUN could be a pCP.img file with 2 partitions. I'm not
sure this is needed and haven't checked if piCore can net boot from

Overall I am excited by this capability. Pi 3 netboot is great, and in
the case of pCP, this more or less takes us back to the magic days of
player auto-upgrade when installing a new version of LMS. It's been a
long time since my SB3s haven't seen a firmware update :)

3 SB 3 • Libratone Loop, Zipp Mini • iPeng (iPhone + iPad) • LMS 7.9
(linux) with plugins: CD Player, WaveInput, Triode's BBC iPlayer by bpa
• IRBlaster by Gwendesign (Felix) • Server Power Control by Gordon
Harris • Smart Mix, Music Walk With Me, What Was That Tune? by Michael
Herger • PowerSave by Jason Holtzapple • Song Info, Song Lyrics by
Erland Isaksson • AirPlay Bridge by philippe_44 • WeatherTime by Martin
Rehfeld • Auto Dim Display, SaverSwitcher, ContextMenu by Peter Watkins.
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