[17-04-11 19:59:53.8746] Slim::Display::Lib::Fonts::__ANON__ (83)
Loading Font::FreeType
[17-04-11 19:59:53.9512] Slim::Display::Lib::Fonts::__ANON__ (85)
Warning: Unable to load TrueType font support: Font::FreeType object
version 0.07 does not match $Font::FreeType::VERSION 0.03 at
line 210.
Compilation failed in require at
/usr/local/slimserver/Slim/Display/Lib/Fonts.pm line 84.

Ok, this is the crucial part: LMS is loading the pure Perl part of Front::FreeType from its own folders, while the binary part is provided by Paul's extension. Unfortunately the version numbers of these two don't match...

Paul - you could remove CPAN/Font from LMS' installation folder when LMS is being installed. That should work around this issue.

(And I actually believe those files shouldn't even be part of the noCPAN bundle, as it doesn't make sense to only ship part of a module...)


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