Just looking for a little assistance. I have been using PiCorePlayer for
sometime with my LMS on my WD EX2. For reason too numerous to count, I'd
like to have my raspi do both functions with my music files on the NAS
device. I set up NFS on my WD EX2 device pointing to the Public Share.
My music is in the Public/Shared Music/flac/ folder on that share but I
can't seem to mount that properly in PiCore 3.02.  I have it mounted to
Public but I can't get it to see the files under Public:


I  am sure it is syntax error either on my side with the PiCore or on
the WD EX2. Any suggestions welcome.

|Filename: PiCore Mount.jpg                                         |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22555|

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