andreame wrote: 
> Hi all,
> In my setup I used two rpi 3. One as LMS server and the other as a
> player. The first is connected to the internet via my wifi network and
> is connected to the other via a direct ethernet cable. The cable network
> address is and the wifi address is (my
> router). Everything works perfectly when playing files on the HD
> connected to the rpi3 with LMS, but if I try to play songs from Tidal or
> TuneIn (basically from the internet!) it looks like everything works but
> there is no sound even if the LMS seems to go normal. The static
> addresses of the two rasps are and both with
> inverted gateways. Where am I wrong? Thank you all!
> 23466

You have no connection to the internet from the "Player only" pi unless
you've bridged ether to wifi on "Pi Server" or arrange a route on the
"server pi"
You have a connection from the "Player Pi" to the "Server Pi" hence you
can play music from the server but not from the internet
As Paul- says proxied streaming may work

*Players:* SliMP3,Squeezebox3 x3,Receiver,SqueezePlayer,PiCorePlayer
*Server:* LMS Version:  7.9.0 - 1475786002 on Centos 7 VM on ESXi 6 on
Dell T320
*Plugins:* AutoRescan/BBCiPlayer/PowerSave/PowerSwitchIII/Squeezecloud
*Remotes:* iPeng8/Orangesqueeze/PC/Jivelite
*Music:* 383GB,1269 albums 17756 songs 4381 artists mostly FLACs

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