atrocity wrote: 
> Is there a guide out there for dummies who are comfortable with the
> command line and have git installed on an Odroid C2 but have never tried
> to do something like this from scratch? Or is the first post in this
> thread all I need?

I can try to post more detailed steps, and/or provide feedback in this
thread if you get stuck. I did this on an odroidc2, as well. Are you
running Jessie or Stretch and which system Perl is installed? (Also, is
this armbian or dietpi or some other variant?)

A few things I neglected to mention in the first post were:

  sudo apt-get install fakeroot
  sudo apt-get install yasm
  sudo apt-get install debhelper quilt libz-dev libgd-dev
  sudo apt-get install libmodule-build-perl
  sudo apt-get install libmodule-install-perl
  sudo apt-get install libio-socket-ssl-perl

uname -a; perl -v, on my machine shows the following:

  Linux music2 4.13.7-odroidc2 #32 SMP PREEMPT Mon Oct 16 21:38:07 CEST 2017 
aarch64 GNU/Linux
  This is perl 5, version 24, subversion 1 (v5.24.1) built for 
  (with 75 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)

I will try to do better write-up in the next 24 hours, but to make it
better targeted to your system please let me know which OS (cat
/etc/os-release) and which perl (perl -v) you are starting with.


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