There is already support for bluez-alsa on pcp - see 'here'
bluez-alsa supports both playback  to and recording from a bluetooth
device, however, it seems the setup for recording isn't included in the
pcp package, so this would have to be done manually.
Since the basic config and the  pairing of the BT device has been taken
care of, this should be fairly straightforward (in theory - I have no
experience with pcp)
See 'my howto'
for details.
Note: pcp-bt seems to save the device name in /home/tc/.pcp-bt-device

SW: 'extGUI4LMS'
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| 'squeezelite visualizer'
HowTos: 'build a self-contained LMS'
| 'Ogg Opus'
| 'Bluetooth/ALSA'
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