    Squeezelite v1.8.7-1007, Copyright 2012-2015 Adrian Smith, 2015-2017 Ralph 
Irving. See -t for license terms
  Usage: /usr/local/bin/squeezelite [options]
  -s <server>[:<port>]  Connect to specified server, otherwise uses 
autodiscovery to find server
  -o <output device>    Specify output device, default "default", - = output to 
  -l                    List output devices
  -a <b>:<p>:<f>:<m>    Specify ALSA params to open output device, b = buffer 
time in ms or size in bytes, p = period count or size in bytes, f sample format 
(16|24|24_3|32), m = use mmap (0|1)
  -a <f>                Specify sample format (16|24|32) of output file when 
using -o - to output samples to stdout (interleaved little endian only)
  -b <stream>:<output>  Specify internal Stream and Output buffer sizes in 
  -c <codec1>,<codec2>  Restrict codecs to those specified, otherwise load all 
available codecs; known codecs: flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac,wma,alac,dsd (mad,mpg for 
specific mp3 codec)
                        Codecs reported to LMS in order listed, allowing codec 
priority refinement.
  -C <timeout>          Close output device when idle after timeout seconds, 
default is to keep it open while player is 'on'
  -d <log>=<level>      Set logging level, logs: 
all|slimproto|stream|decode|output|ir, level: info|debug|sdebug
  -G <Rpi GPIO#>:<H/L>  Specify the BCM GPIO# to use for Amp Power Relay and if 
the output should be Active High or Low
  -e <codec1>,<codec2>  Explicitly exclude native support of one or more 
codecs; known codecs: flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac,wma,alac,dsd (mad,mpg for specific 
mp3 codec)
  -f <logfile>          Write debug to logfile
  -i [<filename>]       Enable lirc remote control support (lirc config file 
~/.lircrc used if filename not specified)
  -m <mac addr>         Set mac address, format: ab:cd:ef:12:34:56
  -M <modelname>        Set the squeezelite player model name sent to the 
server (default: SqueezeLite)
  -n <name>             Set the player name
  -N <filename>         Store player name in filename to allow server defined 
name changes to be shared between servers (not supported with -n)
  -W                    Read wave and aiff format from header, ignore server 
  -p <priority>         Set real time priority of output thread (1-99)
  -P <filename>         Store the process id (PID) in filename
  -r <rates>[:<delay>]  Sample rates supported, allows output to be off when 
squeezelite is started; rates = 
<maxrate>|<minrate>-<maxrate>|<rate1>,<rate2>,<rate3>; delay = optional delay 
switching rates in ms
  -S <Power Script>     Absolute path to script to launch on power commands 
from LMS
  -R -u [params]        Resample, params = 
                         recipe = (v|h|m|l|q)(L|I|M)(s) [E|X], E = exception - 
resample only if native rate not supported, X = async - resample to max rate 
for device, otherwise to max sync rate
                         flags = num in hex,
                         attenuation = attenuation in dB to apply (default is 
-1db if not explicitly set),
                         precision = number of bits precision (NB. HQ = 20. VHQ 
= 28),
                         passband_end = number in percent (0dB pt. bandwidth to 
preserve. nyquist = 100%),
                         stopband_start = number in percent (Aliasing/imaging 
control. > passband_end),
                         phase_response = 0-100 (0 = minimum / 50 = linear / 
100 = maximum)
  -D [delay]            Output device supports DSD over PCM (DoP), delay = 
optional delay switching between PCM and DoP in ms
  -v                    Visualiser support
  -O <mixer device>     Specify mixer device, defaults to 'output device'
  -L                    List volume controls for output device
  -U <control>          Unmute ALSA control and set to full volume (not 
supported with -V)
  -V <control>          Use ALSA control for volume adjustment, otherwise use 
software volume adjustment
  -X                    Use linear volume adjustments instead of in terms of dB 
(only for hardware volume control)
  -z                    Daemonize
  -Z <rate>             Report rate to server in helo as the maximum sample 
rate we can support
  -t                    License terms
  -?                    Display this help text

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