jemhayward wrote: 
> Just realised I posted this in the old thread, so here I go again:
> I've just build a PiCorePlayer on an old RPi 2 to use as a music player
> while we are on holiday.  I am going to use a 64GB usb stick as my music
> repository, and run PcP in access point mode and control it from my
> phone.
> All my music is on the server at home, but there isn't a free USB socket
> on the server, and it's not easily accessible anyway, so I thought I'd
> just set up Samba on the PcP and connect my Win2008(Home Server) to the
> share and push the albums I want onto the stick.
> But I cannot get the windows machine to authorise on the share though
> the share is visible.  I'm sure I've done this before, and it should be
> simple, surely?  I'm obviously doing something stupid, but what?
> The windows machine says network path not found, and / or bad username
> or password.
> '[image:]'
> ('samba' ( by 'Jem
> Hayward' (, on Flickr

Have you set USB mount, same page higher up than your picture?



|Filename: mount.jpg                                                |

*Study/Server - LMS 7.9.1 -* Pi3B+/pCP 3.5.0/pi screen/HiFiBerry
DAC+/jivelite, 25K library on WDMyCloud, cache and playlists on a USB
stick (formatted ntfs).
*Lounge* - Pi2/pCP 3.5.0 > HiFiBerry DIGI+ > AudioEngine DAC1 > AVI DM5
*Dining Room* - Pi3B/pCP 3.5.0 > HiFiBerry AMP+/retro radio
*Garage* - Pi3B/Pi screen/HiFiBerry DAC+/pCP 3.5.0 > Edifier R980T
*In car* - RPi3B/pCP in AP mode > HiFiBerry DAC+ > car's audio (files on
a 2TB USB drive)
*Spares* - 1xTouch, 1xSB3, 1xRadio, 1xBoom
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