Hi again,

ok one step further :-) I found out the difference between Ralphys and
Marcos version. But first  of all - muisunderstanding from my side....
The Parameter -D is necessary also for native DSD.
What I did not know is that you have to define the output format
afterwards. so -D :u32be  did it

So with Marcos release I could play a 256DSD file:

  sov@audioserver:~/programs$ ./squeezelite-R2-deb-x86_64 -n IFI -m 
00:22:4d:b7:7d:b5 -d decode=debug -D :u32be -o hw:CARD=Audio,DEV=0
  [13:22:20.937308] decode_init:129 init decode, include codecs:  exclude 
  [13:22:20.937520] register_dsd:906 using dsd to decode dsf,dff
  [13:22:20.937680] load_faad:610 loaded libfaad.so.2
  [13:22:20.937690] register_faad:640 using faad to decode aac
  [13:22:20.937869] load_vorbis:300 loaded libvorbisfile.so.3
  [13:22:20.937909] register_vorbis:329 using vorbis to decode ogg
  [13:22:20.938048] load_flac:266 loaded libFLAC.so.8
  [13:22:20.938056] register_flac:294 using flac to decode flc
  [13:22:20.938059] register_pcm:424 using pcm to decode aif,pcm
  [13:22:20.938120] load_mad:383 loaded libmad.so.0
  [13:22:20.938127] register_mad:412 using mad to decode mp3
  [13:22:21.033757] codec_open:218 codec open: 'd'
  [13:22:21.089004] _read_header:191 id: FRM8 len: 518418896 consume: 16
  [13:22:21.089070] _read_header:134 DSDIFF version:
  [13:22:21.089077] _read_header:191 id: FVER len: 4 consume: 16
  [13:22:21.089082] _read_header:191 id: PROP len: 108 consume: 16
  [13:22:21.089087] _read_header:138 sample rate: 11289600
  [13:22:21.089091] _read_header:191 id: FS   len: 4 consume: 16
  [13:22:21.089095] _read_header:142 channels: 2
  [13:22:21.089103] _read_header:191 id: CHNL len: 10 consume: 22
  [13:22:21.089111] _read_header:191 id: CMPR len: 20 consume: 32
  [13:22:21.089116] _read_header:191 id: ABSS len: 8 consume: 20
  [13:22:21.089120] _read_header:191 id: LSCO len: 2 consume: 14
  [13:22:21.089125] _read_header:145 found dsd len: 518418432
  [13:22:21.089129] dsd_decode:765 setting track_start
  [13:22:21.089134] dsd_decode:819 DSD256 stream, format: DSD_U32_BE, rate: 

When I do the same with Ralphys version it ignores the parameter and
switches to DOP...which does not work because of the capability of my
dac... and the Switch to conversion to PCM

  sov@audioserver:~/programs$ ./squeezelite1052 -n IFI -m 00:22:4d:b7:7d:b5 -d 
decode=debug -D :u32be -o hw:CARD=Audio,DEV=0
  [13:23:59.871501] decode_init:153 init decode
  [13:23:59.871707] register_dsd:625 using dsd to decode dsf,dff
  [13:23:59.871763] register_faad:641 using faad to decode aac
  [13:23:59.871808] register_vorbis:334 using vorbis to decode ogg
  [13:23:59.871878] register_flac:286 using flac to decode flc
  [13:23:59.871888] register_pcm:415 using pcm to decode aif,pcm
  [13:23:59.871892] register_mad:413 using mad to decode mp3
  [13:23:59.871895] decode_init:185 include codecs:  exclude codecs:
  [13:23:59.970518] codec_open:255 codec open: 'd'
  [13:24:00.123440] _read_header:192 id: FRM8 len: 518418896 consume: 16
  [13:24:00.123540] _read_header:135 DSDIFF version:
  [13:24:00.123562] _read_header:192 id: FVER len: 4 consume: 16
  [13:24:00.123572] _read_header:192 id: PROP len: 108 consume: 16
  [13:24:00.123586] _read_header:139 sample rate: 11289600
  [13:24:00.123598] _read_header:192 id: FS   len: 4 consume: 16
  [13:24:00.123607] _read_header:143 channels: 2
  [13:24:00.123615] _read_header:192 id: CHNL len: 10 consume: 22
  [13:24:00.123625] _read_header:192 id: CMPR len: 20 consume: 32
  [13:24:00.123633] _read_header:192 id: ABSS len: 8 consume: 20
  [13:24:00.123642] _read_header:192 id: LSCO len: 2 consume: 14
  [13:24:00.123651] _read_header:146 found dsd len: 518418432
  [13:24:00.123660] dsd_decode:528 setting track_start
  [13:24:00.123690] dsd_decode:534 DOP sample rate too high for device - 
converting to PCM
  [13:24:00.123699] dsd_decode:544 DSD to PCM output

So I assume the decoder registered with Ralphy version is only capable
of DSD Dop, right?

Thanks for help and support


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