Hi. I have been running lms ver 7.8.1 for some years on a freeBSD system
as the only place I could use to leave permanently running.
Long story short I had to rebuild the server and the jails, which forced
a server OS upgrade. Moved from FreeBSD 10 to 11.2 .
With this as background I started creating jails and trying to setup a
more current version of LMS. I am at the usual dead ends I used to some
years back when setting it up for the first time. My main problem is
that I can end with a working installation but there is no seek-forward
functionality on some of my ALAC files. I know I could convert them as a
workaround but I rather not but bring a better working LMS installation
to the FreeBSD people.
I've tried installing from ports: succeeds but issue with seek
functionality on apple lossless files. I suspect the reason is that the
port pulls the standard audio decoders alac, flac, sox, etc but they
lack the lms patches for this functionality.
I've tried installing as a package: packaged by nice chap at
audiodigitale but it's a bit behind with the perl version so it installs
ok but fails to start due to perl versions mismatch. I know, old topic.

So please before I spend more time building, compiling, etc. for the
wrong perl target, can a good soul please remind me what I need to do,
not step by step but some medium-to-high level pointers. I'm not a
frequent upgrader of lms, is too painful in FreeBSD, so I'd like to
leave it with the latest lms version and perl available at the moment:
lms nightly 7.9.2, perl v 5.26. And not touch it for a few years
hopefully, compiling from source.
I'm thinking:
1. setup build environment with perl v 5.26
2. as per github building instructions for CPAN, get nasm, bash, gmake,
rsync and perl 26 for my case.
3. download a nightly tarball from downloads.slimdevices.com for 7.9.2.
Unzip/untar, cd to uncompressed directory
4. cd to the CPAN directory, run the buildme.sh script.
5. compile each of the audio decoders in the directory next to CPAN
inside the slimserver-vendor directory
6. run script slimserver.pl to build the application
7. do the other bits that aren't done automatically like creating user,
group, adding to rc script for auto start.

Would that be a good start?
Or is it meant to be as simple as:
1., 2., 6.?
Thanks in advance.

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