
Here's how I do it. This is not the definitive way but a bit cobbled
together way.

I use it on rpi 3b and a 3b+ and also an old Shuttle running the
Raspbian Desktop for pc and mac.

First go to the Qnap > Control Panel > Shared Folders.

Tick the name of the Folder and click on Edit Shared Folder Permissions
(the centre icon on the rhs).

>From the drop down select NFS host access

Add the IP address of the pi click Apply and exit

On the pi create your mount point. 

Mine is /mnt/Squeezebox

To test;

In the pi terminal I type

  sudo mount 192.168.1.***:Squeezebox /mnt/Squeezebox  

and check in the LMS Settings if the folder is mounted.


    sudo nano /etc/fstab

and put this as the last line

    192.168.1.***:/Squeezebox  /mnt/Squeezebox  nfs4 _netdev,auto 0 0 

Ctrl+x > Y > Enter


    sudo mount -a 

(to test fstab edits).

The command line I found after trawling the 'net, the command seems to
change with each different version of Rasbian (sigh).

I use the same command on an O2 Joggler, but had to omit the #4 and just
use plain nfs.

Hope this is useful, but do it at your own .........you know the score:p


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