I have now Jivelite up and running on my Joy-IT 3.5" TFT :-)
I succeded with the new 4.1.0 release and following nowhinjing's guide.
Modifications to be made in do_rebootstuff.sh was done in pcp_startup.sh

Without luck I tried many, many times making it work in previous PcP
versions, from 3.21 to 4.0.0.
Today when I did I nowhinjing's modifications I loaded the extensions
prior to installing Jivelite.
Before I used to begin with the Jivelite installation, then followed by
loading the extensions. 
Perhaps this was the reason for success...?

However, I'm buying another screen, probably with HDMI interface, since
the touch of this Joy-IT works no more.
I've probably damaged the thin cable to the touch screen.


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