ryangodammit wrote: 
> Thanks Paul.
> How do I edit the InputToActionMap.lua file?
> I know I'm supposed to edit it within the temp folder then transfer it
> to the /home/.... folder but I don't know how
> Ryan
Connect to pcp using ssh and issue these commands.
Default username is tc with password piCore

# Create the jive folder in the home directory
sudo mkdir -p /home/tc/.jivelite/userpath/jive

# Copy the default file to jive userpath
sudo cp -L /opt/jivelite/share/jive/jive/InputToActionMap.lua

# Modified the copied file.  You can replace vi with nano, if you're not
comfortable using it, but you'll need to install the nano extension
first from the web gui.
sudo vi /home/tc/.jivelite/userpath/jive/InputToActionMap.lua

Backup your pcp configuration and quit jivelite. On restart jivelite
will read your modified file instead of the default.


*1*-Touch, *5*-Classics, *3*-Booms, *1*-UE Radio
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