mrw wrote: 
> Not really.
> Perhaps there are two problems:
> The -server.log- indicates some kind of issue when full text scanning.
> It might be worth stopping LMS and deleting
> -/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/library.db-. Then restart and try
> again.
> The -syslog- suggests some kind of character code/unicode issue with
> your ntfs set up, or with the file names on disk, or perhaps the text in
> the cue files.
> I have never used ntfs, or ntfs-3g, and I don't know what is required by
> way of fstab set up, nor when that particular error message comes up and
> what it might be indicating.
> The file name in question doesn't look particularly challenging, but
> there are two ways of saying 'รจ' (and many other characters) in unicode
> which can be the source of great frustration if there are mismatches
> somewhere along the line. (Unicode NFC versus Unicode NFD). Could it be
> that your cue file has something in NFD when the file name is actually
> in NFC ? Or vice versa ? Just a wild thought.
> Additional wild thought: Might your cue file be in ISO-8859-.. with file
> names in unicode ?

Thanks a lot mrw!

Your remarks forced me to have a fresh look at the problem ... problem
solved now! You saved my weekend! I did not work for nothing!

To search too much, I lost myself alone ... I looked in the wrong
direction by insisting on the NTFS disk while the problem came from .cue

In fact, solutions like Max2Play or piCorePlayer have huge benefits.
They allow many beginners like me to easily discover the LMS solution.
When, a few years ago, I burned my Squeezebox Touch using a bad power
supply, these solutions allowed me to continue enjoying my music.

That said, these solutions also have some small drawbacks. They make
lazy! For several years, I let everything work without ever reading a
log file. If I did, I would have seen that the error messages that
occupied my weekend have always been present.

When I started ripping my CDs, I used to systematically generate a .cue
file and store it in a subdirectory. By simple security, not intending
to use them ... These .cue files have become completely obsolete. (My
music files have been renamed in the meantime.)

By deleting the .cue files and
/var/lib/squeezeboxserver/cache/library.db, all the error messages
disappeared, both in the LMS logs and in the syslog file. It's magic ...
and unexpected at the end of the weekend.

Indirect consequence: the scan of the library is now much faster.

Thanks again !

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