Now I have my pi up and running. Picoreplayer installed and LMS is
installed and running.

But I can not mount my ReadyNas ??

Tried serval guides...…

Anyone that has done this. It seems that the "tc" user does not have
acces to change /etc/fstab file ?? I tried to edit the file with winscp

I found a guide where I should do this:

Enter in root mode by typing: sudo –i
Install or update cifs by typing: apt-get install cifs-utils

FAILS HERE SAYING "-sh: apt-get: not found

Create the following directory. We are going to mount the NAS drive to
this directory.
home/pi/myNAS/myShare (type: mkdir myNAS)
Edit the file /etc/fstab by doing: pico /etc/fstab
Add the following line to the bottom of the page:
//IP_of_device/name_of_device /home/pi/myNAS/myShare cifs
workgroup=WORKGROUP,users,auto,user_xattr 0 0
The IP_of_device it that of your NAS device. In my case I have a USB
drive connected to the router and therefore I use the IP address of the
router here.

Any other ways to do it  ??

Living room: Transporter, Tact RCS 2.2X digital preamp, Martin Logan
Vista speakers, AMPS(Icepower): Acoustic Reality Ear Enigma
PLUS(PANELS), Acoustic Reality Ear TWO MKII(Bas)
Kitchen: Receiver - S.M.S.L DAC, Prodipe Pro 5 active bi-amp speakers.
Bedroom: Receiver+UE boombox, Kids: Receiver+Active speakers, Office:
Transporter, JBL LSR305 active speakers , TIDAL HIFI flac streaming.
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