Please excuse me if this is not the thread for this issue.

I recently mounted an external drive to my piCoreplayer using 'these'
( excellent
instructions. The drive had previously been mounted to my Netgear router
and recently I decided to move it over to the pi due to issues with the
router (I guess) causing the pi having problems finding the mount.

I loaded Samba.  Clicked on Write Permissions

I successfully did a full rescan with the (powered) drive connected to
the pi.  I used a different share name from the name used when it was
connected to the router.  In order to get my playlists to find the files
due to the new share name, I had to do a global edit change on the files
in the playlist directory.
I have done this successfully before when it was mounted to the router
using Finder and or a terminal session to the /Volumes directory on the

I connected to the pi (Go->connect to

I opened a terminal session on the MacBook pro to its
/Volumes/ShoreLMS/Playlists directory and issued the appropriate sed
common to do the change. 

I received an error that I didn’t have permissions, so tried again with
sudo.  This time I get the error 
> Can't do inplace edit on Christmas Cache 01 2019 2 hr 15 min.m3u: Cannot
> make temp name: Read-only file system.
for each file.

So I naturally tried to edit permissions with chmod, and sudo chmod. 
Still get the read-only error.
I sshed into the pi itself using user tc, and received the same results
for each step.
The owner for the files in the directory

The Directory:
DRWXR-XR-X    1 502      80              42 DEC  1 14:48 PLAYLISTS/

Should the owner be ’tc’ instead of ’502’?  I had clicked “Set Write
Permissions” - which directories does it process?

Example file:
-RWXR--R--    1 ROOT     ROOT          4096 DEC  1 20:20 ._CHRISTMAS
CACHE 28 2019 2 HR 15 MIN.M3U

tc@LRpiCore:/mnt$ ls -al
total 1
drwxr-xr-x    7 root     root           140 Dec 31  1969 ./
drwxr-xr-x   17 1000     1000           360 Dec 31  1969 ../
DRWXRWXR-X    1 ROOT     80              30 OCT 28 21:44 SHORELMS/
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root            40 Dec 31  1969 mmcblk0p1/
drwxr-xr-x    3 root     root          1024 Aug 11  2018 mmcblk0p2/
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root            40 Dec 31  1969 sda1/
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root            40 Dec 31  1969 sda2/

Also, Finder would not allow me to copy files into the directory now
that the drive is connected to the pi, when I previously had no issues
when it was mounted to the Router.  Any help here would be appreciated,
is this a user/permission thing, or do I have to do some kind of disc
repair.  An internet search alludes to a ‘fsck’ command, but I’m not
familiar with it and don’t want to do damage to the disk drive (I have 3
copies, 2 pf which are offsite, but that is besides the point!)
thanks - Donald

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