Man in a van wrote: 
> After several hours I ended up with (I just used ./Configure -des
> -Dprefix=/opt/perl-5.26.3).
As I wrote: I'm a bit unsure if it's i386-linux or i686-linux - the dpk
seems to use  i386-linux. What's the output of  perl -V|grep archname
and /opt/perl-5.26.3/bin/perl -V|grep archname ?

> > 
  >   > 
  > CGroup: /system.slice/logitechmediaserver.service
  > ├─ 456 /bin/bash /usr/sbin/squeezeboxserver_safe 
/usr/sbin/squeezeboxserver --prefsdir /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs --logdir 
/var/log/squeezeboxserver/ --cachedir /var/lib/squ
> > 
> What do I do to make LMS use the 32 bit Perl? 
edit  /usr/sbin/squeezeboxserver and (not sure of the latter
file name - iirc the dpk renames it) and change the first line from
#!/usr/bin/perl to #!/opt/perl-5.26.3/bin/perl

> or is it best to restart with the version of LMS without the CPAN
> libraries ?

If you want to do this, uninstall the dpk and proceed with 'building
LMS' (

> Also the new Raspberry Pi Desktop (for PC and Mac) image suffers from
> the same problem (32 bit usererland). The previous Stretch version was
> fine.
The situation with ARM is different - there is support for 32 bit
(arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int) and 64 bit
(aarch64-linux-thread-multi) with perl 5.28, and for neither with 5.30.
As mentioned above, check 'the LMS repo'

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