I'm making negative progress. I had been running the latest pCP for a
while with occasional glitches. 
Now with a fresh build, I have run into 2 issues. First, LMS does not
show my BT connected BOOM2 speaker as a player. While futzing with that,
after a reboot or 2, now Squeezelite is not running. Restarting,
updating Squeezelite, rebooting all result in the same 'not running'
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

*hardware:* Pi 3B+, wired connection, WiFi off
*software:*  piCorePlayer v6.0.0-b7 | linux 4.19.80-pcpCore_v7 | piCore
v10.2pCP | Squeezelite v1.9.6-1198-pCP

Android Squeezer 1.5.4
*serving to*: UE BOOM 2 BT speaker | Logitech BT Audio
oetbyg's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=69215
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