WMB wrote: 
> Possibly too swiftly because I find the wifi dongle does not always seem
> to load in time, but a reboot generally does the trick.
I would suspect a DHCP server delay, on the wifi page, you can increase
the network timeout.  It defaults to 50, but I've seen some need to set
this to 65.

> I initially had a problem with V5.0 the amplifier being muted which was
> not evident on the earlier version and which was resolved with a line in
> the startup -dtoverlay=iqaudio-dacplus,unmute_amp- which I found
> (somewhat hidden) in the IQ guide.

You should be able to select that option in the card config page.   A
better option would be to add 22 to the GPIO setting (I think active
low) on the squeezelite page.  That will mute and unmute the amp based
as needed.

> The rotary volume control is another matter... 

For this, I would look at this

The extension is pcp-sbpd.tcz

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