ralphy wrote: 
> Thanks for getting the repo setup and the rootfs creation script. 

No problem, I'm glad for the extra testing and feedback.

ralphy wrote: 
> I did script all the steps to create the dockstar fs using the rootfs
> file you posted earlier, but that's a better option.

The M300 pictured in post 1 needs to be reloaded so I will test the
build script and post back.  I've setup another M300 as a build machine
just using the 16GB ssd that came with it, ok on space so far.

ralphy wrote: 
> To set the timezone I had to download the tzdata armv7 package and
> extract just the zoneinfo file for my timezone into the filesystem to be
> able to set the clock correctly with ntpd.  Perhaps that would be a
> package that could be added to the repo eventually?

I'll get it added, I haven't really done a lot of testing so there's
probably more stuff like that that I've overlooked.

ralphy wrote: 
> I've had squeezelite playing on the dockstar with a Behringer UCA-202
> all morning without a tick/pop using -a 120:::0.


ralphy wrote: 
> I have a 2 core 850Mhz pogoplug pro that I'm thinking of setting up as
> an alpine armel package build system, I used to use it for squeezeplug
> builds back in the day.  If I do, perhaps we could coordinate using the
> same signing key so I can contribute them to the repo?  You could always
> resign them afterward as well if you prefer.

I don't have a problem sharing the key with you. I haven't really
thought through how that work.  I posted up all the packages I had last
night.  There's a APKINDEX.tar.gz file in the root of the repo that
reflects the contents of the repo.  I build some more packages locally
this morning and rsync'd my local build repo with the remote one.  That
works ok when there's only one local and one remote repo but with two
different locals updating the same remote I imagine it would be possible
to get some inconsistencies since there's only the one index file.  I'm
sure this is a solved problem I'm just not sure what the solution is.

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