paul- wrote: 
> the pCP compiled version of squeezelite defaults to the same model, so
> certain things know it's pCP.  We have to be careful with model
> name.....I know somethings depend on it.  (I forget which things though
> :)
> I think I could easily make a standard model name, that would allow you
> to grab it in material.....

A standard model name would be great, Basically, just anyway to know
this is a BT output, as opposed to the regular output. I guess, you
could also have SqueezeLitePCP for the standard output? Then I could
look for a ico to use for pCP (perhaps tux?). Squeezelite has model
(squeezelite) and modelname (SqueezeLite). Only modelname is
configurable, via its -M commandline option. Are you sure things don't
depend on the *model*, and not *modelname*?

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