doggod wrote: 
> Yes I managed now also ...pretty weird not sure what's going on. Only
> thing I did was changing from "7.9.2" to "7.9.3" in the "sudo
> ./ --mm -s -r -u -d" command line. 

Funnily enough I decided to try this morning if it was possible to
download LMS without a copy installed. I found out (as noted by paul_ )
that it is not :o:o

I also found out I had forgotten to expand the file system :(

Any way the second attempt, after installing LMS 8 (I only had to run
the install line, as the download was in /tmp) went without a hitch. I
just left the default settings

  tc@piCorePlayer:/tmp$ [COLOR=#ff0000  sudo ./ --mm 7.9.3 -s -r 
  This script will update the Logitech Media Server extension
  usage: ./ [-u] [-d] [-m] [-r] [-s] [-t]
  -u Unattended Execution
  -d Debug, Temp files not erased
  -m Manual download Link Check for LMS update
  -r Reload LMS after Update
  -s Skip Update from GitHub
  -t Test building, but do not move extension to tce directory
  --mm <version> Force the version you want to update. (eg 7.9.1)
  Unattended Operation Enabled
  Manual Download Link Check Enabled Version:7.9.3
  Automatic Reload Enabled
  Skipping Update
  Press Enter to continue, or Ctrl-c to exit and change options
  Copying and Running script to tmp so we can automatically reload LMS later
  Performing manual check for update link, Current Version is: 7.9.3 
  Connecting to (
  tmp.Mm1Q9e           100% 
   137  0:00:00 ETA
  Downloading update from
  Connecting to (
  logitechmediaserver- 100% 
 20.3M  0:00:00 ETA
  Downloading required extension squashfs-tools.tcz
  Checking Dependancies for squashfs-tools.tcz...
  Downloading squashfs-tools.tcz.dep....OK
  Dependancy check complete for squashfs-tools.tcz.
  Downloading: squashfs-tools.tcz
  Connecting to (
  squashfs-tools.tcz   100% 
  104k  0:00:00 ETA
  Checking MD5 of: squashfs-tools.tcz.....OK
  All files tested good.
  Updating from /tmp/slimupdate/logitechmediaserver-7.9.3-1591161343-noCPAN.tgz
  Extracting Update...-
  Tar Extraction Complete, Building Updated Extension Filesystem
  Press Enter to continue, or Ctrl-c to exit
  Update in progress .../tmp/slimupdate/
  Done Updating Files.  The files are ready to be packed into the new extension
  Press Enter to continue, or Ctrl-c to exit
  Creating extension, it may take a while ... especially on rpi 0/A/B/A+/B+
  Parallel mksquashfs: Using 4 processors
  Creating 4.0 filesystem on /tmp/slimserver.tcz, block size 131072.
 2398/2398 100%
  Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, gzip compressed, data block size 131072
  compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, no xattrs
  duplicates are removed
  Filesystem size 20286.05 Kbytes (19.81 Mbytes)
  45.00% of uncompressed filesystem size (45083.10 Kbytes)
  Inode table size 26446 bytes (25.83 Kbytes)
  29.06% of uncompressed inode table size (90996 bytes)
  Directory table size 26282 bytes (25.67 Kbytes)
  44.12% of uncompressed directory table size (59574 bytes)
  Number of duplicate files found 62
  Number of inodes 2815
  Number of files 2220
  Number of fragments 162
  Number of symbolic links  0
  Number of device nodes 0
  Number of fifo nodes 0
  Number of socket nodes 0
  Number of directories 595
  Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 2
  Number of uids 1
  root (0)
  Number of gids 1
  staff (50)
  Ready to Reload LMS, Press Enter to Continue
  Stopping LMS
  Slimserver PID not found, Server already stopped
  Waiting for File Handles to Close
  Unmounting Extension
  Moving new Extension to /mnt/mmcblk0p2/tce/optional
  Syncing filesystems
  Loading new Extension
  slimserver.tcz: OK
  Starting New Version of LMS
  Press Enter to Cleanup and exit
  Deleting the temp folders

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