Finally found time to finalize adding weather, should really say
finalize as I'm still tooling on the screen layout.

The weather page displays instead of the clock page when a track is not

This uses the Climacell service and details for sign-up can be found in
the repo.  The free developer license gives us all the functionality we

Once you have an api key you simply pass it in argument to the monitor,
again details in the repo.

Much like the screen brightness mechanism the monitor uses your ISP to
work out where you are

I've that isn't accurate enough I add the facility to specify your own
latitude and longitude, its easy to get those, just use google maps.


Still tooling on the layout given space is tight and readability needs a
bit of help.

Coming soon "the kitchen sink"

|Filename: weatherexample.jpg                                       |

As of 2020/21/09

*Total Tracks: 151,779
Total Albums: 13,949
Total Artists: 19,702
Total Genres: 700
Total Playing Time: 24350:44:32
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