Paul Webster wrote: 
> As a hack ... try editing the file
> /usr/local/etc/pcp/netmounts.conf
> and change the NETMOUNTPASS setting to have quotes around it and escape
> the (
> e.g.
> change
> > 
  >   > 
  > NETMOUNTPASS=my(secret
> > 
> to
> > 
  >   > 
  > NETMOUNTPASS="my\(secret"
> > 
> then backup and reboot (like above)
> I suspect that this will get it through that phase of the startup but
> I don't know if it will still work when it get to performing the
> mount.

Paul, thanks for the quick reply!

Forgot to mention that I already tried putting the password in quotes,
that did not work. Did not try escaping. Did that now (escaping and in
quotes), that does not seem to make any difference, same error message.
If I use the webinterface to add the netmount, it shows the complete
commmand (and tells it fails). If I copy that command and paste it in
Putty, it works fine. It needs the quotes, not the escaping.
So at least the syntax is fine and the mount does actually work.


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