paul- wrote: 
> Why did the time go backwards?   The first part was 11:05,  then 10:34?
> Is it always the same URL that you are playing?  Can you confirm the
> URLÂ’s?

I assume there is a day change between 11h05 (day before) and 10h34
(today, when I restart squeezelite)

I'm not playing always the same URL

If I want back in logs: radio was

  [11:05:40.140763] set_volume:233 setting internal gain left: 142 right: 142
  [11:05:40.145721] process:521 strm
  [11:05:40.145819] process_strm:274 strm command s
  [11:05:40.145856] process_strm:344 strm s autostart: 3 transition period: 10 
transition type: 0 codec: m
  [11:05:40.145892] sendSTAT:189 STAT: STMf
  [11:05:40.146101] codec_open:264 codec open: 'm'
  [11:05:40.146307] _tcp_connect:486 connecting to
  [11:05:40.281049] stream_sock:576 header: GET 
/adwz2/fr/30001/mp3_128.mp3?origine=tune-in-radio HTTP/1.0
  Cache-Control: no-cache
  Connection: close
  Accept: */*
  Host: **
  User-Agent: iTunes/4.7.1 (Linux; N; piCore; armv8l-linux; FR; utf8) 
SqueezeCenter, Squeezebox Server, Logitech Media Server/7.9.3/1597753178
  Cookie: JSESSIONID=6C3A7EBC2955188EBC2F804F4EE56D93
  Cookie2: $Version="1"
  Icy-Metadata: 1
  [11:05:40.281162] sendSTAT:189 STAT: STMc
  [11:05:40.282244] process_strm:377 set fade mode: 0
  [11:05:40.282374] process:521 audg
  [11:05:40.282410] process_audg:433 audg gainL: 142 gainR: 142 adjust: 1
  [11:05:40.282440] set_volume:233 setting internal gain left: 142 right: 142
  [11:05:40.282533] process:521 strm
  [11:05:40.282565] process_strm:274 strm command t
  [11:05:40.282594] sendSTAT:189 STAT: STMt
  [11:05:40.345223] stream_thread:229 error reading headers: closed

then I suppose it crashes and when I restarted the squeezelite process,
it plays from 10h34

    [10:34:28.113856] stream_sock:576 header: GET /laprem1ere-128.mp3 HTTP/1.0
  Cache-Control: no-cache
  Connection: close
  Accept: */*
  Host: **
  User-Agent: iTunes/4.7.1 (Linux; N; piCore; armv8l-linux; FR; utf8) 
SqueezeCenter, Squeezebox Server, Logitech Media Server/7.9.3/1597753178
  Icy-Metadata: 1
  [10:34:28.113970] sendSTAT:189 STAT: STMc
  [10:34:28.114119] process_strm:377 set fade mode

hope this helps


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