mvordeme wrote: 
> I found a test track, if you are interested. When you play the live
> album "Showtime, Storytime" by Nightwish, the last three seconds of the
> second track "Wish I Had an Angel" go missing. On which branch are you
> intending to fix it?
Just out of curiosity, I tried to reproduce the skipping of the last 3
seconds of this specific track.
But on my system, this track plays fine until the end and transits
gapless into the next track. I am using the latest LMS 8.1.1 nighly
System details below.

Logitech Media Server Version: 8.1.1 - 1609139162 @ Mon Dec 28 08:27:25
WEST 2020
Hostname: ATOM
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
Operating system: Windows 7 - EN - cp1252
Platform Architecture: 8664
Perl Version: 5.14.1 - MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
Audio::Scan: 1.02
IO::Socket::SSL: 2.068
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0)

Raspberry Pi ZeroW with HifiBerry Zero DAC, running piCorePlayer 6.1.
Player Model: SqueezeLite
Player Type: squeezelite
Firmware: v1.9.8-1287-pCP

TIDAL Premium subscription (320kbps AAC streams).

| LMS 8.1.1 | Squeezebox Boom | RPi0W + pCP 6.1.0 + HiFiBerry DAC Zero |
SqueezeAMP |
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