Unfortunately the problem still occurs.

Even though the setup (like /volume1/music -> /music/music1 and
/volume1/somedirectory/anothermusic -> /music2) looked OK, the LMS
scanned only the directory /music/music1. It did the same, even I set
the directory to be scanned as /music.
The directory /music/music2 get 'scanned', but the system finds only 0
files. (The Synology package LMS version 7.9.1 works OK).

I even tried to link the /volume1 to /music, but only useful directories
which were visible, were: music, pictures and videos. No other shared
directories, like those I've made, were able to be selected.
I also tried to link /volume1/somedirectory/anotherdirectory -> /music,
but then not even the music directory exists at the selection window.

Could it be so, that in the LMS docker version there is some 'hard
coding' for the directories that could be linked to /music? Something
like /volume1/music, volume1/pictures and /volume1/video?

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