ashceryth wrote: 
> Hey guys,
> I'm not sure if this is the best thread to post my issue, but maybe
> someone can provide some help. I'm using pCP 7.0.0  (linux
> 5.4.83-pcpCore-v7 | piCore v12.0pCP | Squeezelite v1.9.8-1344-pCP) on a
> RPi 3B+ together with HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro HAT connected to a FiiO K5 Pro
> via Coax. Today, I installed Qobuz plugin on LMS to give HiRes a try. I
> haven't been playing HiRes audio via LMS before, but I wanted to test
> some 24bit/192kHz tracks. However, my setup seems to be unable to handle
> sample rates >96kHz. Playing tracks >96kHz let my Pi "crash" and I need
> to power-cycle it to get it back running. The Digi+ Pro should be able
> to handle sample rate up to 192kHz. Is there anything I can try to solve
> this issue?
> Thanks!
> PS: I'm using an USB WiFi adapter, if this is relevant.

Also tried with a Digi+ (non Pro) now. Same results...

2x Squeezebox Radio| piCorePlayer with IQaudIO DigiAMP+ | piCorePlayer
with HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro | piCorePlayer with touch screen and USB DAC
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